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Mashabrum Panorama – 18 Days

Specially designed trip to the remote wilderness in Eastern Baltistan, An easy trek to the foot of the majestic Masherbrum (7821m) towering over Hushe Valley, with a free day for excellent views and local explores. A further continuation from Hushe will take you through beautiful summer settlements to Dalzampa “field of flowers” and along the ridge of Moraine to Gondogoro Base Camp across the glacier at (4600m). An easy climb Gondogoro Peak (5650m), provides views of a superb mountain panorama of Masherbrum (7821m), Gasherbrum-I, Chogolisa, Mitre Peak and Gasherbrum-IV.
  • Day 01: Arrival Islamabad ARRIVE ISLAMABAD- trek briefing at Ministry of Tourism. Overnight at hotel.
  • Day 02: Islamabad – Skardu Fly to Skardu- we go to the domestic terminal at the airport from where we take the spectacular flight weather permitting) across the mountains to Skardu. If does not operate, we will have to drive from Rawalpindi to Skardu, a long tiring journey, compensated for by the spectacular scenery. The rest of the day is free. Over-night at hotel. In case of flight cancellation drive to Chilas.
  • Day 03: Skardu AT LEISURE IN SKARDU- another day in Skardu (or en route if the flight is cancelled and we have to reach Skardu by road). There are several excursions which can be made- to the Satpara Lake about 4 miles away or a climb to the top of the Skardu rock to see the remains of the fortress built there some 150 years ago, from where there are superb views of the Shigar and Indus valleys. Overnight at hotel at Skardu.
  • Day 04: Skardu-Hushe DRIVE TO HUSHE- we drive in jeeps along the Indus and Shyok valleys before turning northwards up the Hushe valley to reach the road head at the little Village of Hushe(10,500 ft). The roads in this area are subject to landslides and broken bridges so we may have to start walking before Hushe. Overnight camping.
  • Day 05:Hushe-Saicho TREK TO SAISCHO- we begin walking towards the huge bulk of Masherbrum before turning east to reach our camp at Saischo(11,250 ft.), situated at the confluence of the Gondogoro and Sarassa valleys. There is plenty of time to bathe in refreshing mountain streams or to admire the rugged peaks which tower above the Sarassa glacier. Overnight camping.
  • Day 06: Saicho-Boldumpa EXCURSION TO BOLDUMPA- to aid our acclimatization, we spend a day exploring the area around the Sarassa glacier, with an excursion to the summer pastures at Boldumpa, where we enjoy spectacular views of the rock pinnacles and snow domes which form jagged ridges beneath the summits of K7 , K6 and Nameka Peak. Overnight camping.
  • Day 07: Boldump Dalsang Pa TREK TO DALSANG PA- we head up the Gondogoro glacier to the summer hamlets and pastures at Gondogoro(12,800 ft) following the often steep moraine ridge. Descending on to glacier itself, we soon reach the lakeside camp at Dalsangpa(13,500 ft) surrounded by rocky summits including the huge mass of Masherbrum itself. Overnight camping.
  • Day 08: Dalsang Pa Ghondoghoro B.C TREK TO GONDOGORO BASE CAMP- a more difficult day as we walk up the glacier to Gondogoro base camp, sometimes on moraine and sometimes on ice, all the time beneath the impressive spire of Laila peak. We make time in the afternoon to give those who need it a certain amount of practice in the use of ice axes and crampons. Overnight camping.
  • Day 09: Climbing Ghondoghoro Peak SUMMIT OF GONDOGORO PEAK: starting in same hours, those of the group who are suitably fit and acclimatized can attempt the submit of Gondogoro Peak. We leave the base camp (15, 550 ft) and climb over rocky ground to ascend the headwall of the valley. The snow field which leads to submit (18, 700 ft) progress in a series of steeps which may require ropes to sage guard the ascent from summit there are incredible views of Masherbrum and Laila peaks to the west. Overnight camping.
  • Day 10: Ghondoghoro B.C Hushe- TREK TO HUSHE – We have spare day to either enable a second attempt on the peak or retrace our steps down the glacier and have a free day on or around Hushe. There is time to explore this primitive Baltii settlement, bid farewell to our friendly porters and may make a steep ascent of the Humbru valley above our
  • Day 11-13: Hushe- TREK TO HUSHE – We have spare day to either enable a second attempt on the peak or retrace our steps down the glacier and have a free day on or around Hushe. There is time to explore this primitive Baltii settlement, bid farewell to our friendly porters and may make a steep ascent of the Humbru valley above our
  • Day 14-15: Hushe- Sight Seeing Skardu Camp site to enjoy magnificent panoramas of Tarcahen and Dara peaks. Overnight Camping.
  • Day 16: Skardu Islamabad FLY TO ISLAMABAD. Fly back to Islamabad and transfer to hotel. In case of flight cancellation drive to Chilas.
  • Day 17: Islamabad ISLAMABAD. Debriefing at Ministry of Tourism
  • Day 18: Islamabad FLY TO ONWARDS DESTINATION. End of our services.

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