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Are you planning an expedition to Pakistan? We are here to help!

Adventure Pakistan has handled hundreds of expeditions successfully, we have the references of many well-known international mountaineers – please feel free to ask us! Our company offers professional services for a reasonable price, we don’t claim to be the cheapest but we are very proud to be valued as one the most esteemed and trustworthy tour operators in Pakistan. We don’t have any hidden fees or extra cost after arrival, once you have booked with us the price you have received is final and any items we might have forgotten or miscalculated will be our own risk. We are clear and straightforward in our communication, you can count on us to do whatever it takes to make your expedition a success and to stand by you in case of any problems.

How to Start?

Climbing Areas, Peaks and Routes

There are many areas in the north of Pakistan to choose from when you want to go for mountaineering. What type of climbing do you want to do? How much experience do you have? Which season do you want to go? How many days do you have available? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to send you some suggestions!

For those who already know where they want to go, please note that all expeditions are required to mention the planned route they are going to attempt in the climbing permit application form. If you need any assistance, do let us know!


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour

Climbing & Trekking Permit

Once you have decided which mountain(s) you want to climb we can start the preparations and apply for the necessary permits. A climbing permit is required to climb peaks which are above 6500 meters, a trekking permit is required for some areas like for example the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP). We have extensive details of all peaks and the rules and regulations regarding climbing in Pakistan so that you don’t have to worry and we take care of all the paperwork for you.

Royalty Fees

At the beginning of each year the Gilgit-Baltistan Council publishes the official royalty fees for the upcoming summer and winter climbing season. This notification is publicly available and makes a distinction in terms of mountain, trekking and waste disposal fees for various areas and the two seasons. When we apply for your permit we will have to deposit the required fees which means they are therefore non-refundable.

Government Clearance

All particulars with regard to your expedition including the details of all members must be sent to us so that we can get the government clearance for the approval of your climbing permit. Additional members can still be added or changed at a later date if needed but it is best to send everything well in advance to prevent any delays at the start of your expedition. We currently advise to apply not later than 3 months in advance as unfortunately we have noticed that the time for clearance is taking longer each year.

Helicopter Rescue Bond

Each expedition has to obtain a helicopter rescue bond of US$10,000/- from Askari Aviation – in order to be allowed to commence the expedition. If these rescue services are not used, the bond will be refunded after the end of the expedition minus the administration charges from Askari Aviation. We are able to assist with these arrangements if needed.

Liaison Officer

To all peaks between 6500 meters to 8611 meters, the Government of Pakistan sends Liaison officers with expeditions. All his expenses like food, accommodation and transportation are borne by the expeditions. In addition to the above mentioned standard kit, the L.O. is paid a daily allowance in Rawalpindi / Islamabad as well as in the mountains for his food. A part of his cost like sharing the cook, insurance of the L.O, provision of two porters for his personal stuff & food while up going & one porter while coming down is paid by us.


All expeditions are required to submit an environmental undertaking which states that they will take their garbage with them after the end of the expedition. The L.O. will have to certify that the team has left the mountain clean, if this has not been done satisfactory fines will be imposed. A separate environment waste management fee is charged to each expedition member for maintenance of the mountain environs which is non refundable

Expedition Cargo & Climbing Gear

We will take care of all the formalities to clear your expedition cargo & safely store it before your arrival. Any charges which incur at clearance (during export or import) of your equipment will not be paid by us. All non-consumable equipment that you bring in will be duty-free if you take it back with you. You are not allowed to trade in it. The consumable goods are similarly duty free as long as they are used for the purpose they have been brought in for. The unconsumed materials have to be re-exported. We have a selection of well-maintained climbing materials which we are renting out to expeditions and items for sale like different variations of climbing rope and gas canisters.

B.C. Staff & HAP’s

There will be a complete kitchen team to take care of you and your expedition members at your base camp and of course on the trek to and from B.C.. The number of staff depends on the number of climbers. However, for our normal expeditions ranging from 10-15 members, we provide one head-cook, one assistant-cook and one or two helpers who take care of base camp services. We are also able to arrange experienced high altitude porters to assist you during your climb, kindly inquire well in advance so that we can hire the best HAP’s for you.


In case you have to cancel your expedition plans or want to postpone your trip, the royalty fee will be forfeited. It cannot be carried forward to a future trip or be re-funded. The royalty is refunded if the government cancels a permit for some reason. Cost related to our services will be (partially) refunded based on our Terms & Conditions.