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Pakistan has some of the greatest treks in the world, the famous K2 base camp Gondogoro La crossing is on the bucket-list of many hiking enthusiasts and offers amazing 360 degree panoramic views of the highest mountains in Pakistan. But there are plenty of other options like hiking in the remote Shimshal valley or doing the Wakhan corridor trek, don’t forget the beauty and stillness of the Snow Lake while trekking from the Biafo to the Hispar glacier or the magnificent views at the round Nanga Parbat trek. Please note that you might require previous hiking and high altitude experience, specific trekking gear and special skills like using crampons, ice axes and being accustomed to walking in rope groups for some of these treks. Don’t worry if you are new to all this – we have excellent mountain guides to assist and teach you and also can provide you with many trekking itineraries which are suitable for beginners and or people with only little time.
Gilgit-Baltistan is one of the main regions for trekking but also Chitral, Swat and the Kaghan valley in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province offer a lot of interesting routes. Our treks have been sorted into various geographical areas: the Baltistan valley, Diamir, Hunza-Nagar, Chitral & Ghizer and there is a special section with trekking Peaks for experienced trekkers who want to go for an extra challenge!


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour


Amazing Tour

Map of Northern Pakistan

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Map of Gilgit-Baltistan

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