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Pakistan – India Tour

Pakistan contains some of world’s most mind-blowing landscapes, extraordinary trekking, a multitude of cultures and a long tradition of hospitality.

It’s the site of some of the earliest human settlements, home to an ancient civilization rivaling those of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the crucible of two of the world’s major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.

India is the land of culture and heritage. Your tour to India will enable you to explore its vast dimension. Tourism in India has shown a phenomenal growth from its distant past.

India, the land mighty mountains, sandy beaches, and magnificent monuments call for exploration! Travel to India and experience the land that beholds an enchanting history in its past.

  • Day 01: Arrival in Delhi (India), afternoon sightseeing
  • Day 02: Full day sightseeing tour in Delhi
  • Day 03: Delhi – Agra, start of the Golden Triangle sightseeing tour
  • Day 04: Agra – Jaipur
  • Day 05: Full day sightseeing in Jaipur
  • Day 06: Jaipur – Delhi
  • Day 07: Delhi – Amritsar
  • Day 08: Amritsar – Wagah Border – Lahore
  • Day 09: Full day sightseeing in Lahore
  • Day 10: Full day sightseeing in Lahore
  • Day 11: Lahore – Islamabad
  • Day 12: Islamabad – Taxila – Islamabad
  • Day 13: Islamabad Peshawar or Takht-i-Bahi – Islamabad
  • Day 14: Islamabad – Home

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