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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Reservations can be made by mailing or faxing together. The Tour cost is strictly based on the itinerary and the total number of hotel and camp nights mentioned therein. If the trip has to be delayed due to bad weather, road washouts, cancelled or delayed flights, sickness, Government restrictions or any other contingency for which Adventure Pakistan cannot make provisions, the resulting extra cost for such delay is not included.

Form of payment:

Payment only will be accepted only in cash or a certified cheque.

Cancellation & Refund:

Cancellation must be notified either by phone call and by email to Adventures Pakistan. Cancellation charges shall be levied as follows: 30 days before departure 25 % of the land cost, 29 – 15 days before departure 50 % of the land cost, 14 to 1 day before departure 90% of the land cost. No refund will be given for any unused portion of the trip.


Passengers are advised to get insurance that covers cancellation, accidents, health emergency evacuation, helicopter rescue and loss or damage of baggage and personal effects. This insurance must be arranged yourself directly with your agent/insurance company.


Every member is entitled to bring a maximum weight of 15 kg of personal baggage. Any excess baggage portage will be charged separately.

Change of Itinerary:

Reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made only where deem advisable for the safety and comfort of the client.


Adventures Pakistan, its agents and employees will not be liable for any injury, death, damage, loss, accident, delay, theft , irregularity or acts of God, either by the acts of any company or person engaged in conducting the tour.


The Adventure Pakistan will provide transports, accommodations ,meals and other necessary requirements which are mentioned in the tour itinerary.