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K6 (6935m)

In 1988, members of Harvard Mountaineering Club Karakoram expedition, while exploring Hushe valley, examined K6 peak. In 1961, the 15 member Royal Air Force Karakoram expedition, which also included Squadron Lead Shah Khan, Flight Lieutnent Beg of Pakistan Air Force and Sahib Shah of the Survey of Pakistan entered Hushe Valley to survey and climb K6 Peak from Nangmah valley. But it gave the mission later. A survey party was, however left behind to map Chogolisa, Gondokhoro and Masherbrum glaciers. The party the climbed smaller peaks like Hunch Back, Etwar and Mitre (different from famous Mitre Peak near Concordia).

In 1964, the Germans from Berlin Mountaineering expedition tried to climb K-6 from Kondus Galcier. The party could go up to 6,706m before it gave up the attempt because of bad weather. In 1969 italian expedition also failed to scale this peak because of bad weather after going up to height of about 7,010m.

K6 is a beautiful peak from the Karakoram range and is situated is Saltoro and Masherbrum ranges. The nearby glaciers are lahit, Charakusa and Nangmah. Some foreign maps show its height as 7, 282m while other maps show it as 7,281m.

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