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Region : Nagar


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Hunza | Nagartype: Expeditionperiod: Summer | Winterduration: More than 29 dayslevel: Professionalcomfort: Extreme OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Rakaposhi is situated in the Nagar Valley acing Hunza, it is one of the magnificent pyramids in the world. The peak can be climbed from all sides. Dominating the horizon it is constantly visible from the Karakoram Highway. ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Asia | Baltistan | Gilgit | Hunza | Nagartype: Overland Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: From 22 to 28 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Easy OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Kashgar, Samarkand and Khiva , ancient Silk Road cities that evoke images of exotic caravans traveling across deserts and over mountains, linking the worlds of east and west. ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistan | Chitral | Gilgit | Hunza | Nagartype: Hunting Tripsperiod: Autumn | Spring | Winterduration: 8 to 14 dayslevel: Professionalcomfort: Hard OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Both the European or Alpine population, and Himalayan population of Ibex share common certain distinguishing features. The Himalayan Ibex can be separated from the Alpine population by the horn ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Asia | Baltistan | Chitral | Diamir | Gilgit | Hunza | Nagar | Swattype: Cultural Adventures | Overland Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: From 15 to 21 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire A 21 day jeep safari takes you to the north of Pakistan, a land with welcoming people; a land ...


Amazing Tour

Rush Lake Trek



Trip Facts region: Nagartype: Trekkingperiod: Summerduration: From 10 to 15level: Professionalcomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire For anyone who wants to have a first time taste of Himalayan trekking, we recommend the Rush Lake trek in the heart of the Hunza valley. During this trek you will cross glaciers, high meadows and lovely irrigated terraced fields and also ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Nagartype: Trekkingperiod: Summerduration: From 10 to 15level: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Rash Phari, meaning sparkling lake, is simply a splendid sight to behold. This is the best trekking route for beginners and novices, but equally interesting for experienced trekkers as one can climb Rush Peak (5098 m/16,824 ft) above the lake. Starting from ...