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PASSU PEAK (7478m)

Passu peak is situated at the extreme west of Batura Muztagh in upper Hunza beyond Passu village. At a distance of about one hundred kilometers from Chinese border and 150 kilometers from Gilgit, it is clearly visible on the Karakoram Highway. It was first climbed in 1978 by joint Pakistan Japanese expedition and one of their members Mr. Toshio Takahashi lost his life by felling into a crevasse on the lower glacier at c5800M. Passu, a long but gently angled climb from the Passu Glacier to the east has so far have a number of ascents.

The surrounding peaks are Batura-I 7885m, Shishper 7619m, Balter Peak 7400m and Kampir Deyor Peak 7611m.

  • Day 01: Islamabad/Briefing
  • Day 02: Islamabad-Chilas
  • Day 03: Chilas-Passi
  • Day 04-06: Trek to Base Camp
  • Day 07-25: Climbing
  • Day 26: Base Camp-Passu
  • Day 27: Passu-Karimabad
  • Day 28: Karimabad-Besham
  • Day 29: Besham-Islamabad
  • Day 30: Debriefing
  • Day 31: Departure

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