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Baltistan Valley


K2 BC Concordia Trek

K-2, “mountain of mountains,” as referred to by Reinhold Messner in the account of his 1979 ascent of this giant, is 8611 m. high.

K-2 is located in the heart of the Karakoram Range and can be seen in its entirety from Concordia.

This sublime pyramid sits at the head of the Godwin Austin Glacier which unites with a second glacier at Concordia to form the mighty Baltoro Glacier

K2 BC Gondogoro LA Trek

K2 base camp over Gondogoro la is one of the best treks in the world. The trekking starts from the village of   Askole, walking along the Baltoro Glacier to reach Concordia.

Concordia is the heart of Karakoram Range, and center of a complex of some of the world highest peaks and many of the largest glaciers. On every side, within radius of 24 kms, rise up ten of the world’s thirty highest peaks, including, K2, Broad Peak, and Gasherbrum peaks.

Crossing the high pass of Gondogoro la and enter the other side of Karakoram in Hushe valley.

K2 Gashabrum BC Trek

The view from the summit of this nearly 5585 m. pass (Gondogoro La) is beyond description. In the opinion of many, it is simply the finest mountain panorama in the world. K-2, Broad Peak, the four Gashabrums, Trinity Peak, (8000+ m) summits and a multitude of lesser pinnacles touch the heavens all around you.

One must make an extra effort from Concordia to reach the spectacle. The trek to the top of the Gondogoro La includes some 600m of ice and snow slope climbs that require the use of an ice axe, crampons, harness, helmet, ropes, and carabineers.

Biafo Hispar Snow Lake Trek

Biafo Glacier (60 km. long) and Hispar Glacier (61 km. long) meet at the 5151 m. Hispar Pass to form one of the longest glacial systems outside the polar regions.

his highway of ice connects two ancient mountain kingdoms; Nagar in the west with Baltistan in the east.

At the base of Hispar Pass on its eastern flank rests Snow Lake, a basin of ice (16 km. wide) surrounded by granite pinnacles yet to be climbed. Glaciologists have conducted various experiments on the lake and have found the ice to be approximately 1.6 km. deep. Some go as far as to say that Snow Lake represents the last of the original ice cap in the earth’s temperate zones.

Mashabrum & Gondogoro BC Trek

Masherbrum Base Camp trek is one of our most exciting walking journeys! And it is one of the most isolated treks of Pakistan in Karakoram.

The trek goes through Hushe Valley in Baltistan. It is an easy trek even for those who do not have any trekking experience but still intend to have a marvelous trekking experience of mighty Karakoram.

K6/K7 BC Trek

The village of Hushe is the last village where jeep road ends. It is 140km east of Skardu and the starting point for expeditions and trekking to various summer pastures and five glaciers.

The path to K6/K7 base camp follows the north side of the Charaksa River. The area between Spangsar and K7 BC is said to be a climbers’ paradise with several peaks and massive rock walls offering themselves for thrilling climbs.

Thalle LA Trek

An easy trek of 7-9 days leading over the Thalle la (4572 M), situated between Shigar and Khaplu valleys of Baltistan.

This trek is meaningful plan on 2-week time scale and for a diversity of reason it undertakes to be very exciting indeed.

Crossing of Thalle La can be possible from Shigar and Khaplu valleys.

Spantick BC Haramosh LA Trek

This spectacular trekking trip is a wonderful trekking opportunity in a great range of mountains. Spantik (7027 M) is situated in the mountain chain Karakoram that form the boundary between Baltistan and Nagar.

The spectacular approach trek along the Chogo Lungma Glacier passes throughout array of stunning mountains surrounding far from the usual trekking routes. Final leg of trek is Haramosh La.