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Type : Cultural Adventures



Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Chitral | Kalash Valleystype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summer | Winterduration: 15 to 21 days | 8 to 14 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire The culture of Kalash people is unique and differs completely from the various ethnic groups surrounding them. They are polytheists and nature plays a highly significant and ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Asiatype: Cultural Adventures | Overland Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summer | Winterduration: From 10 to 15level: Easycomfort: Easy OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Pakistan contains some of world's most mind-blowing landscapes, extraordinary trekking, a multitude of cultures and a long tradition of hospitality. It's the site of some of the earliest human settlements, home to ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Chitral | Gilgittype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Summerduration: From 10 to 15level: Easycomfort: Easy OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire The world’s highest Polo field Polo is known as the King of the games. Gilgit is the home of this spirited game where the British rediscovered and promoted it. Today polo is played in Gilgit and Chitral enthusiastically in ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistantype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Spring | Summerduration: From 05 to 10level: Easycomfort: Easy OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire This plateau lies 32 km to the southwest of Skardu and can be reached via the Satpara Lake. It has an average height of 3,500 meters (11,660 feet), is 70 km across, and links Baltistan with the Astore Valley. ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Punjab | Sindh | Swattype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summer | Winterduration: 15 to 21 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Easy OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Pakistan is a home to one of the ancient civilizations of the world that thrived 4500 years ago along the Indus River. The Indus Valley Civilization developed a highly organized culture ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Diamir | Gilgit | Hunza | Swattype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: 8 to 14 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire This tour is designed to discover the hidden treasures of ancient history and the marvels of nature of the northern valleys of Pakistan. Over centuries, the land we now call Pakistan ...

Deosai Plateau Panorama


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistan | Diamir | Kaghan Valleytype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: 8 to 14 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Our Pak Panorama Tour shows you some of the nicest views of the north-east of Pakistan. We will visit Kachura and Sadpara, two picturesque lakes in the vicinity of Skardu, the capital ...

Fairy Meadows


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Diamir | Hunzatype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: 8 to 14 dayslevel: Beginnercomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire According to seasoned travelers, Rakaposhi and Nanga Parbat are two of the most beautiful mountains in the world. Similarly Hunza and Fairy Meadows have no match in their scenic beauty. Both places and mountains have ...

Baltistan Khaplu Palace


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistantype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: 1 to 7 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Discover Pakistan's Litte Tibet by visiting the region of Baltistan: Skardu, Kharphocho Fort, Shigar, Khaplu, Sadpara Lake and the Manthal Buddhist Rock. Day 01: Islamabad - fly to Skardu or drive to Chilas Day 02: Skardu - ...

Ganish Hunza


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistan | Gilgit | Hunzatype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: 1 to 7 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire For everyone with only very short time; see the main sites of Gilgit, Hunza and Baltistan in a 5 day tour: Baltit Fort, Ganish Village, Kachura Lakes, the famous Shangri-La resort, Shigar Fort ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistan | Gilgit | Hunzatype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: From 8 to 14 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire The dramatic and enchanting panorama of the Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan is simply breathtaking. Lush green fertile valleys with high quality delicious fruit are fed by springs and glacial streams flowing from the ...



Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Baltistan | Gilgit | Hunza | Swattype: Cultural Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: From 8 to 14 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Peshawar is the home of the proud race of the Pathans. The city with its bazaars reminds of the days of the caravan traders. Our next stop is the Swat ...


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Asia | Baltistan | Chitral | Diamir | Gilgit | Hunza | Nagar | Swattype: Cultural Adventures | Overland Adventuresperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: From 15 to 21 dayslevel: Easycomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire A 21 day jeep safari takes you to the north of Pakistan, a land with welcoming people; a land ...