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Type : Mountain Biking


Amazing Tour

Trip Facts region: Gilgit | Hunzatype: Mountain Bikingperiod: Spring | Summerduration: Over 15 dayslevel: Professionalcomfort: Normal OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Imagine cycling through a mountain paradise of peaks over 7,000 meters with glaciers almost touching the road and inhabited by people so friendly that it is not unusual to be offered tea as a gesture of hospitality when ...


Amazing Tour

Deosai Bike



Trip Facts region: Baltistantype: Mountain Bikingperiod: Spring | Summerduration: Over 15 dayslevel: Professionalcomfort: Hard OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire Bicycling on the winding roads of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindukush valleys would heighten your experience as you will have an occasion of a tidies uphill paddling and then abruptly ride downhill, passing through alpine forests, open valleys, along the ...


Amazing Tour

Hindu Kush Bike



Trip Facts region: Chitral | Gilgit | Hunzatype: Mountain Bikingperiod: Autumn | Spring | Summerduration: Over 15 dayslevel: Professionalcomfort: Hard OverviewItineraryDetailsMapDatesEnquire To discover the region of Chitral and Hunza by bike has its own charm. We start our trip from Islamabad to Peshawar through the beautiful Swat valley up to Dir by jeep. From here ...